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sacred energy space

 b r e a t h e   l o v e

The brain tumor experience & the butterfly messages long received blend together - towards sharing my personal story of Physical Transformation. Whether received from brain surgery, aging, or any level of life experience at all - the learning we receive as we deal with change contributes toward building our strengths, not to be seen or diminished as weakness.

Creating this book took me close to 8 years! Why its publishing is another form of birthing.  Letting go and riding those waves of collective change we can trust to beautifully occur is a joy, that takes a bit of the courage I speak of in the book... (which is easily available on Amazon, page viewing included.)

As sharing is an awesome tool to use for collective empowerment, in union with others, as did the butterflies emerging together. Why with more currently having brain trauma issues and survival -- I'd love to create a conversation spot on this page...but as also learning to do it when I'm ready, hopefully sooner than later - giant smile attached!!

With FULL LOVING ENERGY to all who have visited!!